Monday, March 20, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

who's a happy baby?

Look at that boy! He's so friggin cute and happy. We must be doing something right cause he's the biggest baby ever, completely off the growth charts. He's 12 weeks old now, almost 3 months! He had his first celebrity run in last night at Harmony. Andre 3000 was there. Halen was just like, 'whatever mom, it's just some dude. can you pick me up now?' he's so wonderful. we're all so happy. see ya soon.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

New Record

Halen just sneezed 7 times straight! He's very pleased with himself.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ladies Man!

Our niece and Halen's cousin Kayla came to visit us for a few days. We had a fun filled time, going to Fernbank's chocolate exhibit and the new aquarium. Halen slept through most of the fun, but was happy and fascinated when awake. He's getting so big, over 15 pounds now!
We're all feeling much better now too. Halen having a cold was rough on me. I didn't sleep for days. Things are better now. I gotta go now. He's waking up and it's time for him to eat.