Friday, November 30, 2007

Still Not Here

Every night, I think I'm going into labor. Then I go to sleep, waking a few times during the night to contractions. Then I wake up in the morning and they're gone. My midwife says that all those contractions early on mean my body won't have to do quite so many during actual labor. I guess that works for me, but I kinda want my baby now! Enough teasing already!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Skateboarding

Halen loves to skateboard. He's graduated to one with wheels. Look how proud he is of his trick.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

10 Days

My due date is now in the 10 day forecast. I've been waiting for this. It's getting closer! It's 4:42 in the morning and I'm up doing laundry. We don't even have tons of laundry to be done, I just woke up feeling a strong desire to get out of bed and wash some stuff.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Doll Nightmares

Here is Halen, being all cute and doll-like in front of the creepiest wallpaper ever. When I was little, dolls and paintings of dolls like these would give me nightmares. Actually, they still do (the list of things I am scared of and have admitted to on the blog grows: werewolves, mountain lions, porcelain dolls). This wallpaper is in the bathroom at the Pirate's Tavern, the vegan pirate restaurant. We went there with Corrie and we watched The Princess Bride while eating. Halen was mesmerized. Every time I open iphoto, I want to delete the photos with this wall paper because they creep me out so bad. I like them too much though, so I'll keep them and just get the shiver me timbers whenever I see those porcelain doll eyes looking out at me.
I thought for sure I was going into labor last night. Today, no baby. I guess I wasn't. I'll try to put a blog up when I actually do.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

"Corrie, Where Are You?"

My BFF Corrie came to visit for several days. She and I were hoping for the baby to come a little early, so she could be here to help out with Halen and see the baby emerge from the depths of my womb into the bathtub. He was being stubborn and decided to stay in his warm and cozy home a little longer. We had fun and Halen made a new friend (they've met before but he didn't remember). For two days after she left, he would walk around the house saying, "Corrie, come on." and "Corrie, where are you?" My friends Jaime and Paul came into town the same week and we got to see them too. They hiked this beautiful trail with us to the Wahclella Falls. I want to go back to this spot to live forever! It was gorgeous. Well... I guess it was a little chilly for permanent living, but I could definitely do summers there. We saw the salmon swimming upstream. They were bigger than I thought they'd be. It was pretty cool. I've got one week now till my aunt and uncle come. I'm now supposed to hold off until then. My aunt Melanie has $10 on Wednesday the 28th. Anyone else wanna get in on that? Just send the money to me. I won't keep it or anything. Gotta go. I'm too tired to sit here any longer. I vote for having the baby today!

Kick Flip

Friday, November 16, 2007


The following is from my weekly pregnancy updates...
Hello, Christy!

Congratulations! Your baby is full-term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away. He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

Yipee! Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. I just haven't felt like it. I'm either out doing stuff, at home cleaning and nesting, or just being lazy.
I had my home midwife appointment the other day. That was fun, having them come here. Halen was real excited, showing off his toys and all.
Corrie, my bff, comes tomorrow! She'll be here through Thanksgiving. If we have an early arrival, she'll get to see it. If not, we'll spend the days eating donuts and hiking. Halen is going to be excited to have someone around to play with that actually has a little bit of energy. Dan's been busy with work and school and I'm busy making this baby. The little guy is getting the shaft. He's not really, we still make plenty of time for Halen. I have had a few feelings of mommy guilt about the new guy being almost here and how it's going to rock Halen's world. I think, in the long run, having a sibling is going to be awesome for him. I just imagine those first few days are kinda weird, having his mommy all tied up with a new little baby and all. He's a well adjusted kid, I think he'll manage.
Gotta go,

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

More Of The Beautiful NW

I tried to blog yesterday and the pictures never uploaded, then I lost all that I had written too and gave up. Here are some pics from Bridal Veil Falls and the Columbia River Gorge.
Today is the 7th, I'm due on the 7th of next month! I started taking these herbal antenatal pills that where designed by some famous Washington based midwife. They're supposed to get my body ready for labor and make the birth real quick and easy. We'll see.

Friday, November 02, 2007


Halen loved trick or treating. We didn't go to many houses, but we got tons of non-vegan candy! When we got home, we sorted through the candy, threw all the non-vegan stuff in our outgoing candy basket and then each got a treat from what was left. Dan's had a few too many of those treats these last couple of days. I'm going to dump the bowl into the trash if he doesn't take it to work with him. There are candy wrappers everywhere. Then Halen finds them and wants some! Ha ha. Dan wants Halen to be a sugar fiend too, so they'll out number me. I won't allow it! I will however, allow the eating of the ice cream frozen pumpkin pie we made. Halen's buddy, Connor, sent Halen a National Geographic Kids subscription. In it, there was a recipe for a frozen pumpkin pie. It was the easiest thing in the world and is extra yummy! You need a quart of vanilla soy dream (or your favorite brand of vanilla vegan ice cream), 1/2 cup canned pumpkin (I used the pre-spiced version and saved myself the effort of adding spices), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ginger, 1/4 tsp. salt, dash of nutmeg, dash of ground cloves, and a graham cracker pie crust. Let the ice cream soften a bit, then mix everything together, put it in the crust, put it in the freezer for 4 hours, then eat the whole thing! Okay, don't eat the whole thing, but do ravenously enjoy this easy and delicious holiday dessert.
Speaking of holiday, I just found out about this. It's a vegan holiday festival! It's going on all day tomorrow, with food and goodies galore! Come on Atlanta vegans, admit it, you're jealous!!! Dan has to work, but Halen and I will be munching it up, spending his hard earned dollars as he makes them. Ahh, the riggors of stay at home mom-hood, it's so hard! ha ha. I've got it made! Thanks Dan, we love you for all your hard work. It would be nice if we where lottery winners and you didn't have to work, and could play with us all day; but since we're not, thanks.

On another note, it's November! Only one more full month and we'll have a new baby! I am so excited! I just can't wait! I had a midwife appointment Wednesday. Reason number one million to have a home-birth midwife instead of an ob-gyn: she gave me a back massage with natural oils, that she infused herself, when I complained of being sore from a back spasm earlier that morning! She did my back while her apprentice massaged my hands. The next appointment is at our house!!! Halen is going to be so excited to show them his trains and other toys. I'm glad they'll come here a few times before the birth, so Bruce can get used to them. He can get anxious around new people and I wouldn't want to have to keep him crated or outside the whole time. I don't want him to try to eat the placenta though. I know he would, crazy dog that he is!!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

World Vegan Day

I just found out that today is World Vegan Day. I'm not exactly sure what a vegan is supposed to do on this day, but I thought I'd put a link to this silly talking pig who makes some good points about veganism in a fun and silly way.
Happy World Vegan Day, now go eat an apple and have a glass of soy milk.