Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fancy Do

Halen got his first hair-do. He doesn't have much hair though, so it's subtle, and didn't last long. Mommy had a piece of art in a fancy gallery, so he wanted to do something special. The show was called 'On the Spot.' 25 artists showed up to 25 blank pieces of paper and started working in the gallery during the opening. Then you could go work on it throughout the month, then there was a closing and signing party for when they where all done. My friend Kelly and I worked on our pieces together. I started the duck one, she started the horse one. Then we switched, then we switched again. It was fun. There was a real interesting mix of artists and works. Halen had fun watching us and everyone else work on their pieces, and he liked the vastness of that huge open space.
Halen is getting really close to being able to stand on his own. Sometimes he can let go of something and stand there for a few seconds. He usually gets so excited that he's actually doing it that he sort of hops with glee. Then he either falls to his knees or his butt. It's pretty cute.

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