Saturday, December 13, 2008

Birthday Party

Halen, Liam, and myself all get older this month. We had a super joint birthday bash. We were supposed to do it on Mt. Hood, but got blizzarded out and opted for the vegan and kid friendly pizza joint, It's A Beautiful Pizza. It was a good time. I got the pesto sauce on my pizza this time, and it was amazing. I'm a serious pesto fan. If somebody makes it vegan, then I am all over it. It was deeeeeelicious and I want more.
Our friend Carrie, baker extrordinaire, made Halen an awesome Superman Cake. It even had muscle definition! So cool.
It was real fun and cute to see Halen eating up the birthday attention. Liam didn't know what was going on, so the party really was all for Halen. He loved it. The birthday mania begins with 3.

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