Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Halen and I went on a trip to Albequerque to visit my aunt Melanie and Puckett the cat. Everywhere we went, Halen had people awwwing at him. He really is such a handsome and pleasant baby. He adjusted to the dry climate just fine, but I had boogers in my nose that felt like razor sharp rocks. We went to Santa Fe one day and saw the Georgia O'Keefe museum. Halen let out a huge belch during the film. It was out of respect I'm sure. I had to take his pacifier away from him because he might "toss it" at the artwork. It's a good thing he's not that attached to it. He was good on the planes for the most part. He was slightly inconsolably crying for about 5 minutes once. That's not that bad, considering the amount of time we where on those planes. We had to transfer in Denver. It was 3.5 hours to there, and then another hour to Alb. Okay, I'm gona find some pics to go with this and then get my ass to bed. It's late. Halen's friend Connor is coming to play tomorrow while his mommy is in class. It'll be fun. I'm sure I'll get some cute pictures.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Mom's New Threads

I got new clothes! I got a whole slew of shirts with secret boobie revealing holes! It's great!!! Halen is happy too. Not only is his mommy so stylish, but he can get to the boobie without being covered up by a blanket in this heat! I never knew secret boobie holes could make me so happy, but they most certainly do! Yeah Boobies!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Plumber In Training

Here's Halen trying to get into the cabinet to look at some pipes. He's got the style down too.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Terror Begins

Here Halen is trying to pull everything from the drawer out and onto the floor. He also tries to pull himself up out of his walker and hang on the drawer.

Little Vegan buddies. How awesome would it be if all of our parents where as cool as we are and raised us vegan??? I am so happy that Halen has Connor.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!

Look at the little patriot!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Thumbs Up!

Here are Halen's little knee pads. He approves.