Thursday, June 01, 2006

Touch those toes!

Sorry it's been so long. We had alot going on for a few days. I also had a plugged milk duct in my right boobie and I was cranky as hell. It hurt! Apparently my bra is too tight. I'm in constant denial that I need to go buy a bigger bra. I still think I'm part of the itty bitty titty committee or something.
I've been working on a quilt for Halen and it's moments away from being done. I'll post pictures when it is. I started a webshop on etsy to sell my crafts. it's kinda like ebay, but not an auction and it's only handmade items. it's a great site to check out in general. alot of the same people that sell things at youngblood are on there. alot of it is wholesale too. anyway, my page is Right now there's only 5 things on there. I'm slowly adding more. I hope to sell baby quilts, but I don't know how I'm going to actually get them done because it takes fucking forever!
We took Halen and the dogs to the dog park. Halen loves dogs so much, we figured he'd go apeshit at the dog park. There was no one there! One other dog came and left while we where there and he wasn't interested in Halen. Oh well, the dogs got wore out for a little while.
Kelly and Frances had a bday party. Halen was the hit of the party, showing off his mobility with his walker. The dogs all got doggy frozen yogurt. Lucy fought another dog to try to get some more. She got put in time out.
Well, I'm gona go back to bed. I got up to let the crazy dogs out. In the morning, they school around me like sharks. It kinda drives me crazy. Halen is still asleep so I'm going to go join him.
There's another baby craft night tonight, my place, 6:30. Other people (non-reproducers) are allowed to come as long as they make stuff for the babies! Haha.

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