Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Where Do I Even Begin???

Halen is getting more and more amazing everyday. His list of party tricks is growing out of control. The fake sneezes are real cute, with a little grunt noise and head thrust. He thinks it's hilarious when you sneeze back or say kazuntite (sp?). He came up with that one all by himself.
The most fun thing ever though, is the dancing! He pulls up onto something and starts bouncing his knees, shaking his head, swinging one arm (holding onto something with the other), and opens his mouth to belt out a long string of notes. It's amazing! He's got Dan and I dancing with him all the time. Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Prince are his favorite dancing tunes. He's definitely my son! There is some great video of this. I'll try to get it onto you tube or something and then I'll post the link.
We spent last weekend in Asheville, with Kerry, Bram, and Connor. The fall colors where BEAUTIFUL. We did some hiking, shopping, and damn good eating. I wish Rosetta's kitchen would move to Atlanta. I might just move to Asheville, just to be closer to that food. We did pick up a real estate book while there. Asheville is so progressive for a little mountain town! There where flyers for a company that would switch your home's heat to biodiesel. I would love to have a little solar/biodiesel powered house there. Maybe after Dan graduates!
I got the stay puff outfit at this new consignment store by our house, called 'smarty pants.' It's got lots of cute kids clothes for cheap. It has some maternity and nursing clothes as well, also real cheap. Just in case any of you want to get pregnant and join the parental club! It's the best club I've ever been a part of. Dan said it best when he said, "why wouldn't anyone want to do this?" Everyday is a new amazing bunch of discoveries and the most deep amazing strong love imaginable.
I better get to work on quilting. I was commissioned to make two organic custom quilts for a lady, the owner and co-founder of Urban Decay cosmetics. She's probably a millionaire. I'm definitely not charging her enough. Haha. I already mailed the first one to her. The second one needs to be done by next Tuesday and I've barely begun! Yikes.
Damn, the pictures I uploaded didn't work. I guess I gotta try that again, then quilt. It happened again! I guess I'm trying to download too many pictures at once. But how do I choose only a few, when there are so many??? When my baby is so damn cute? Jeez! I guess I'll narrow it down in this one and maybe post another one later, with some more. Fuck it. I'm wasting too much time. Pictures later. They're just not uploading!

Friday, October 20, 2006

We're Back, But Off Again

Halen and I spent the last 4 days visiting his great grandparents in Arkansas. We had fun just spending time with family and exploring the area. Halen was unbelievably good on the plane rides! We had a couple of long layovers in Memphis too. On both travel days, he was PERFECT! Everyone had fun being on the receiving end of his adorable flirting, and couldn't stop commenting on how good and cute and happy he was. It's true, he's perfect! I love the little booger. He turned 10 months while we where there. Today he weighed in at 25 pounds, no change from last month, but measured in at 33 inches! That's an inch taller! He's getting further away from the charts, because this is normally the age where there mega growing slows down. Not for Halen! I don't know if that will ever happen for Halen. He'll grow crazy fast and crazy big till he's 6'6" at age 10 or something.
Today we're off on another trip! This time Daddy is coming and his buddy Connor, and Connor's parents of course. We're all going to Asheville for some fall colors and vegan eatin'. I better get busy finishing packing. Stay posted for outdoorsy hippy pictures from Asheville.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Come Hither

My little underwear model!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

First Birthday Party

Pirates Pirates everywhere! Halen went to his first birthday party. His best buddy, Connor, turned ONE! It was a super fun pirate party, with good food and a big yummy chocolate cake. Halen is still feeling a little sick, but he toughed it out well and partied hard. He wants a radio flyer wagon like the one Connor got too! Whew wee, he had some serious fun in that. He's got his appetite back and is eating us out of our house. He even sampled some dog food this morning. No more vegan baby. Oh well. He didn't eat it, but he got it in his mouth before I could stop him. I usually pick the dog bowls up off the floor if they leave food in them, but they where empty. He found a scrap though, outside of the bowl that I hadn't seen when I did a spot check. Momma's gotta go work on some quilts now. Halen is napping well for the first time in days. He isn't coughing himself awake. I tried to go down with him because I'm going crazy for sleep too, but it wasn't meant to be.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Poor Baby

Some one isn't feeling well. I think he caught something at storytime. He was up all night coughing. He doesn't even want to eat! That's rare! He'll nurse, but that's it. Atleast he's getting something.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

First Steps

That's right folks, Halen is trying to walk. Dan and I have been making him practice by having one of us walk him towards the other and then we let go. From there he would sort of fall forward (not even a controlled fall) while moving his little feet. This morning I was trying to do it myself by just leaning out holding on and then letting go while pulling him toward me. It didn't seem to work right, so I had him hold himself up on the excersaucer and then would try to get him to come to me. The first few tries where just the daredevil falling forward and trusting mommy to catch him. Then he started to get a little more control and one time he just let go and took 3 good slow solid steps toward me. Oh how we danced! We weren't able to get much more practice in because he was tired and when it's nap time, he gets clumsy. One good fall and he was done for it. He just wanted booby and bed. So, we'll try some more when he wakes up. I've got to get the video camera out. October 3rd was the day. Mark your calendars. I'm so proud.
Yesterday we went to story time. He had a blast! He couldn't believe there where so many kids and babies and that he could just crawl around them and on them. He was a bit rude when kids would cry though. I guess he thought they where being funny because he'd get right in their faces and just laugh! Most of them didn't like this. Some laughed back. We'll definitly be going back.
Now, I'll add some pictures and post this booger. For awhile I was taking a long time between posts because I thought no one was looking at the blog. There where never any comments. Then I started getting emails and phone calls telling me to get with it, that there are people checking in everyday, and there's no changes. So sorry. I didn't know. I am trying to keep it more updated now.